Friday, October 27, 2017

The unseelie knight ii

He came, quick, crashing on me.
Sliding out and in, with such force... He knew
It was time to leave...

And thought that I, I was going to be saved...
But he came had his way and disappointing, never showed his face again. Not even a friend.

And now here I stand. A Clif. And a hand. I am stronger than him. And I need no more judgment, what I do in my body, is not of his right.  How I live in my mind, it's not his fight. He was a shadow of a dream, and nothing more.

The unseelie Knight, never fought with a sword.

I was him once in my mind in a place. We shared a moment but it was not at the same time and place. And so now forgotten the cold of the floor.

And no more remember why I called him for more. Forever this door now shut. He was my gutter, and the deep of my rut.

And now I dance, and sing and are free not for him saving, but because I am me.

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