Thursday, December 22, 2005

freedom at the click of a lighter and a breath of air

its that sound I know so well, the sound of a lighter. the wheel turning hitting the flint making the scratch right before the click combined with a gust of gas and then the sound of the flame... deep breath hold it in, wait a second and let go.
they think they know me, he makes random jabs about my memories and what I smoke, I don’t think in his repressed mindset he could ever understand. how do you feel when you wake in the morning? tired, excited... alive? something right... when I wake the only feeling I know at all is pain it cuts me, a cold chill running through my veins into my bones and crippling me. I wake wiping tears from my face and limp into the bathroom. with some amount of effort I manage to raise my left arm up enough grab my bottle of pills and stick one in my mouth. its a low grade narcotic the doctors prescribed to help me live a normal life. and I do, I wake I go to work I come home I make diner, rinse and repeat. at about 3 o'clock everyday my morning pill wears off, I’d take another but then I would have 20-30 minuets of uselessness while I am two doped up to much to do anything other than to think look. shinny. so from 3-6 I hold back the tears and stand and smile while I feel like death, I don’t know if they will read this but I know they have no idea.
so I get home, I retreat to my room I crawl under my blankets and I make the call.
"hello, yes... I’m home now will you come over?

and then enter stage left my knight in tattered blue jeans and a black hoodie, he will bend over kiss my forehead pack up a nice one and hand me the lighter, today it was black. my sweet laudanum turned solid. it fills my room as it bellows out from my lungs, the sweet intoxicating smell.. I close my eyes he pours me a glass of water he brings it to me, I’m all ready asleep. I sleep for about 30 minuets, I wake and then go on about my evening the sweet flower coursing through me still. you cant get pure here, not in the whole of the state its less potent than the meds the doctors give me, less damaging to my kidney in the long run and more effective. I do this not for the euphoria, but to function.
don’t get me wrong there are lots of drugs I do to escape reality. I drink to escape, I game to escape, I have sex to escape, I smoke weed to escape but these things I do less often than I let on to. half the time I say I have been drinking to explain why I am so slow when in reality I have simply self medicated. and its not every day I self medicate... only on the bad ones, only on the ones where my flesh burns, my bones ake and my soul wavers only on those days do I make the call....
I worry sometimes that they will all find out, I worry they would treat me different, be more careful with me if they knew how very breakable I am. I worry that they will see this and wonder what it is I am hiding, why it is I am in so much pain all the time, I worry one day I will have to explain my self, be honest about why I’ll never have kids or take a husband. tell them why I indulge my self now in the ways I do, I worry someone will notice I don’t want this life, I worry I’ll notice I just want to be average, normal... I worry to much.
its time for my night time pills.. its time to sleep so I can wake. this day like every other day has to end as the last so the next can end the same... maybe tomorrow I will not need my sweet opium

Monday, December 19, 2005

There are moments, seconds I am flashed with the memories of my lifetime...

I stood behind my boss today watching him play everquest 2. there he stood where in digital forms had stood before, there I remembered the feeling of late night calls and deep rooted desires based in a fantasy world. Zone, I promised you I would take you away from your nightmares and save you, I promised I would protect you from the world, I told you I loved you… I said all the wrong things with the right intend and you fell for the love I so longed to feel in you. You are the only one who has ever been special… I wonder do you know that? No, I never could be upfront with you… then again nether could you to me… I think perhaps we were, are and will always be too alike. How many times have I loved? To many and yet not near enough to learn my lesson… I still wish some nights I was in your bed but, I needed someone to take me away from my pain… how would we have survived each other? I would have had to burn so fearsly in you that I would have smothered my self…

I was just thinking today… about him, I was thinking of how sweet it would be to wrap my legs around him… pull him so close against me… fall so deeply into the desires I invest still in his flesh… pull in so deeply that the passion I hold for his touch still… would smudge onto his inside, onto his soul he hides it like I do… I was just thinking…

Why, couldn’t I just be simple with him… I crushed so many of them like they were nothing used up to empty then moved on to the next simply to sustain my self.. he’s the only one I let crush me, he’s the only one I have ever cried for… he’s the only one I still want, maybe because he left me. The one that got away right? I don’t know where I am going with this… I think I’ll go get drunk and maybe write more latter.

Monday, December 05, 2005

last breath

11:21 pm, someone i knew took there last breath.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Wanderlust, the run

If home is where the heart is, I must lack a heart. In 5 weeks exactly I have been in Albany for a year. I have all ready missed my run, as it is always at same time, clockwork. I have not disappeared; the large sum of money I am spending to make my migraines go away is what has kept me here. There is a part of me that cries from under my skin for the truth of life I find when I run, when I wonder. How do you define your self, how do you know you are strong, how do you know anything at all. So long I have searched for the answers to these questions, and so many others. Is there a god, am I loved, does life have meaning… All the many questions of my mind and of general existence will never be answered, but what little truth I have known I have known in the moments of my run. I have seen the worse and the best of life, I live in a quarter million dollar house, I do not need for anything, there is nothing here in this house to make it my home however. I was born in San Diego California, which is not my home I do not remember it I did not even live there a year. I have lived in Texas, Washington state, Organ, California, BC, Louisiana, West Virginia, Hawaii, New York, and probably other places which I am forgetting to list, and in all of them I have not a home. I have felt home in only a few moments of my life... I have felt real and alive only in moments that could break a person. Have you almost died before? The air smells so sweet right after you almost die; you suck it into your lungs holding on to it never wanting to be parted from it, never threatened in never smelling it again. Have you ever been hungry? Not hungry because you were to lazy to make food, not hungry because you don’t get paid for 3 more days and all you have left is peanut butter… the kind of hungry I mean it is the hunger you feel when you have no home, when you are someplace strange to you and you must rely solely upon the kindness of strangers, it is in this hunger you under stand how beautiful the world is, and after food will always taste better. its been a year and still every time I eat I want to cry because I know how lucky I am to have food to eat. Have you known fear? Real pure fear, fear for your very existence and kept going? I have, and it is why I have never tried to kill my self. I know, I know that there is nothing in this world that can stop me; I know I can survive because I always have. That knowledge is more of a comfort that any god, lover or friend I have ever had. Why, why do I run, because I have no choice. Because, I do not deny my heart, because somewhere I must have a home.. Because no drug, illegal or otherwise will ever make me feel as alive as I feel when I find freedom in my wanderlust.

Friday, November 25, 2005

war results

my team is the best, as always.

more on this latter.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

15 random words

1. random
2. good by
3. police
4. jetpack
5. cookies
6. friendship
7. tequila
8. doorknob
9. airplane
10. curtains
12. baseball
14. crying
15. broom stick

words complements of adam-

here is the random spewing of my soul
the sweet goodbye of sanity
fearful running from police,
strapped on jetpack wall jumping fear
cookies crumbling, leaving my trail
so one day, some day i can find my way home to friendship
i know that path, so well empty tequila bottles
hidden stains of life, secret as long as they don’t reach for the doorknob
airplane sky high club secrets
what’s behind your curtains at night wonders
regretting the only regret of not trying to know
i wish there was still time to play baseball catch with my father...
i was to busy then being his doormat.. all of them
leaving me crying at night for the warmth of the sun to protect me
if only i had a broom stick, i could fly away and find one sane line in all of this.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

dreams of maybe *poem*

i felt it roll over me this s'morning
the calm cool silk of his lips upon
the sandpaper of my heart...
leaning into kiss me
left little drops of blood...
i felt them roll over me
so sweet did i get tucked to dreams.
so quiet the plea in his voice
asking me
could you love me?
please.. just tonight.

i knew it, the second i fell into the
beautiful sound of his eyes
this is the moment the floor drops
i fall, not for fallings sake
could i be....
and in halfa second my feet are on the floor again.
kiss me?
lean over this river
and take me
right now...
in front of all these ghosts
your quiet loudness haunts me now..
should i have...

i felt it this smorning
the sweet stain of the nights fancies
resting in my body
urging me
to want...
want to know the truth behind the sensation.
tightness strangles me as i go to breath...
he has stolen the air in my chest...
he has murdered me this second...

hello beautiful nonsense,
sweet morning illusion of granger.
i am the bell of the ball
in these memories...
i am all the attention of the room
and he. and you and all others...
long for me..
in these my memories..
i turn and face the man
there... there goes that floor again
except in him i have wings,
perhaps i don’t need to land

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

one sweet kiss *poem*

i remember it now,
the feeling..
the knowledge of my dream living on your skin
i know it again
the sweet breath as i lay me down
love my dream man.
love the man of my dreams
you rock and roll me
into new sensation of release
bang head shot baby
i'd live and die for you
you the worse parts of my soul
and the most beautiful parts of my being
my muse
the voice in my head
the song i cant stop singing!
the melodic melody of a silly girl
and i whisper,
i love you
now and always these words pour out my finger
cliter clack
over plastic keys of our shared desires
i remember the first time you killed me,
and your still a strike me dead sucker
in that beautiful blue dress...
i could go on for hours in the rhythm of words
discussing the long night phone calls we have
wishing they would never end
but your harsh tactless flow
sing a sweet lullaby in my ears
like i hear another set of words under the ones you speak
and i was the only lucky girl
to get the magical decoder ring in my cheerios.
breakfast of champions.
but i will not.
i'll stop
i will not tell a soul how incredible you are
how you make me feel whole
and beautify
and make the world worth living in..
cause then
then someone would take you away from me..
so i whisper once more
i love you.