Saturday, January 04, 2014

in a spoon, the dragons mine.

I saw it there,
the dragons tail...
It called to me,
"find in me lost ecstasy"
I saw it sit,
upon that spoon.
All I've missed,
All I once knew...
The thing I feared so long its been,
to bring my doom...
to call my sin.

I saw it there,
the dragons claw...
embedded deep,
deep into my jaw.
I bled,
I broke,
I wanted free... 
but the claws to deep to let go of me.
I wanted never think of it again,
but the open wound,
calls back memories of the sin.
Never let go,
pray never let in.

I saw it there,
the dragons spine...
bent and twisted,
rope and twine...
cut the circulation,
find the line...
its voice like honey,
its taste like swine.
"rest here now"
It pleads to me,
"rest here for ever,
I'll set you free"
The lies it tells...
they sounded so sweet to me.

And shaking body,
And aching mind,
And trembling veins,
untravelled in time.
I wanted it more
than more of my mind...
I wanted it deadly,
remembering the tie...
the gear and tackle,
the push and the need,
the cotton which saved me,
the junkies greed...
I remembered it all
as tho It had been me.

I saw it there,
the white dragon of the sea,
I saw it there...
laid out before me.
The kiss of death,
the Kiss of pure ecstasy...
Nothing so good could ever set me free...
From the dragon I run,
forever it seems. 

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