Tuesday, September 11, 2012

the melt

its been so long that i have been crippled of you my lover.
to long past now have you come to play games with me
were i sad that i thought you did not love me now.
the melt of all things cradeled in yout hand
the clitter clack the ink and quill
the expression of words i would not even know to think.
Is this his fear,
that in building me i would lose my self?
I have never feared you so gone.
I have always waited and you return.
my love,
my deepest love
my longest kiss, you consume me.
you slide out of me
and from me flows a river of lucid dreams.
For here I am a warrior stricking down the dandelion warriors
ravishing past the bluebell barbarians
defying the beatnik beetles and lovely lady bugs.
here it is I have always existed
deep in your quicksilver pool
I love you I wisper,
and so returns my own voice
I am my OWN champion she yells!
and so..
time passes..
and i fall into the melt again.
the deep earthed melt of him, of you, of all others, of the sun.
and I cant forget what I was,
and I cant be what but what i am.
and I cant say no.
its been to long that i have laid in wait lover for you to take me.
long past now what i can stand,
to live and die in you my scarlet friend
and i love...
the sudden release i feel in the climax of your images. 

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