Monday, July 16, 2012

the darken dryad

Take my hand sweet child
I will take you away from this place
Take my hand and follow
And we will leave into the dense wood
We will cross and travel up and down the streams
We will go someplace you have never seen
And we will never return.

You will taste this fruit made by gods,
The old gods do not slumber here.
Your past will fall away from you,
Like you were never born,
Like you will never die,
Like you can not remember now.
You will have my love to hold you.
You will have my kiss to reflect back upon.
You will have me,
here in this place far from man.

You will sink into my earthen body,
and I will consume you whole.
I will welcome you into the cold and ever still of my arms
and you will breath me into your lungs.
I will tangle you in vine
and you will feed me in blood.

We will not grow old here
We will not sleep here
We will not hunger or pain here
we will be only together
full and sated in our tie.

Come with me my sweet child of man,
take my hand that I can steal you from this world.

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